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General chart from England to China, including the Indian Seas
Map of a large portion of the world in 1829, from South America in the west to Australia in the east, and Norway in the north to Kerguelen’s Land (Island of Desolation) in the south.
Shows manuscript annotations (in pencil and ink) of vessel tracks of the Neptune and the barque Eagle. The circumnavigation of the Neptune is shown, departing from England possibly in July 1836, going around the Cape of Good Hope in late September 1836, and then touching the Northwest Cape of Western Australia on October 25th, 1836. The circumnavigation of the barque Eagle is shown, departing from England in 1842, sailing around the Cape of Good Hope to New South Wales. Leaving Sydney in February 1843, the vessel went on to New Zealand (not shown on map), and the map picks the track of the Eagle off the east coast of South America in April 1843, from which it headed back to England. A third, partial voyage is also shown.